I was hoping he had something.
So, what does Morley have? The location of where a SCIF was? That’s it? I mean, Morley does know they move SCIFs around, and what is and was inside SCIFs get moved around too, right?
Is this a bombshell? Nope.
So, Morley has a source who once upon a time was once inside a secure building near Dulles airport. ( Keep reading, I’ll give you the address ) We don’t have a date when this person was inside this place which oddly enough is referred to as “the CIA Declassification Center.” There was a room in which JFK assassination material was kept including books, banker boxes of documents and artifacts such as grey plastic video cases. “It,” presumably one of these grey plastic video cases, “was labelled ‘Oswald in Mexico,’ or ‘Oswald in Mexico City’ and it was dated September 1963,” according to this source.
Is this a bombshell? Nope.
This is not evidence of anything at all. Morley doesn’t have the the experience of going through thousands upon thousands of CIA and FBI documents at Archives II in College Park, Maryland like I did in the 1990’s occasionally finding totally useless files that are nothing more than newspaper clippings that someone in those organizations cut out of domestic or international newspapers and passed around internally within those organizations. And just because it was circulated within those organizations it got put into a file and classified. Now don’t get confused. These intelligence agencies have absolutely no legal authority over publicly published news stories. You may have to hunt down a copy of a magazine or a newspaper, or go to a library and look it up on microfilm. It’s just the copy in their file, something someone said or wrote was something critical of them that they after-the-fact want to restrict access to. It’s absurd but they do this. There was even a speech given by Sen. Frank Church on the senate floor that the CIA classified. Except they didn’t really, they can’t. You can go look it up online on the Congressional Quarterly website. The copy the CIA had of the speech that’s in a JFK assassination file, yes, that’s classified. Why? Because the CIA is obnoxious and stupid, that’s why.
They do the same thing with their copies of television shows and even videotape cassettes of video recorded panels from JFK assassination conferences. Now I highly doubt the CIA or FBI had film of anything relating to the surveillance of the Cuban or Soviet embassy or consulate that LHO allegedly visited in Sept 1963 that they then transferred to videotape, or was originally videotape and any copy of such was kept offsite in this scif. There has never been any photographic proof of Lee Harvey Oswald’s repeated visits to the Cuban and Soviet diplomatic missions in Mexico City. The CIA has used secrecy and the classification of intelligence sources and methods to lie and evade the issue of Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico City. The CIA had more than one view and more than one operation in order to photograph the coming and goings at the Cuban and Soviet embassy. I think the Lopez report documented the CIA had at least 10 times when they could have and should have photographed Lee Harvey Oswald coming and going from these places yet they failed to do so. No photograph of Oswald was obtained. The HSCA had specific information about the make and model of the automatic pulse camera photographic equipment used. The CIA said the camera malfunctioned. The CIA deliberately sent a photo they knew was not Oswald up to CIA HQ. We can see the full frame of several photos of this man. They have been declassified. I have them. Why these photos were sent to CIA HQ is still obscure. But, to think that these grey video cassette boxes may contain anything of real value based on the oral recollections of one source is something one should not put much faith in.
Is this a bombshell? Nope.
Later, this same source found another JFK record, a 40 to 50 page report produced by the CIA’s IG office. The report assessed whether the HSCA had compromised secret CIA operations. The source read this report once. The report was described as a blueprint for how to hide things from the public and “how to prevent investigative committees, appointed by Congress from seeing documents that might incriminate offices of the government.”
Well, this single source allegation of a documents existence is interesting but unless Morley got his hands on it and we can all read it free of any redactions then this too is not a bombshell.
The source said the IG report recounted how the CIA had created three volumes of documents about CIA operations in Mexico City, essentially a history of the CIA’s Mexico City Station. Presumably, these volumes and the documents in them were created in response to or fear of the questions HSCA chief counsel, G. Robert Blakey, had asked. The fear at CIA was they would have to reveal even more to Blakey if he asked the right questions. But, Blakey got the job of chief counsel of the HSCA because he is incapable of asking the right kind of questions. Morley’s source recalled a CIA person’s opinion of Blakey as being “the most intellectually uncurious human being I have ever associated with.”
So, is the existence of this three volume history of the CIA’s Mexico City Station new? No. We’ve known of it since at least 1998. RIF #104-10414-10158 is a two page document entitled “Examination by Mr. G. Robert Blakey of Sanitized Portions of History of Mexico City Station.” It details how Blakey was allowed to look at sanitized copies of the three volumes. Sanitized means the CIA withdrew things they thought no one at the HSCA, not even Blakey, were allowed to see. Blakey was allowed to see this material in Scott Breckenridge’s office. Ed Lopez was present at this event but was not allowed any access to any part of these volumes. Apparently, Dan Hardway was not invited. Scott Breckenridge was a little CIA shit that had way more power than George Joannides did in blocking the HSCA inquiries. Joannides just blocked the HSCA as far as Mexico City info went. Breckenridge blocked everything. Someone needs to write a big book on him.
Is this a bombshell? Nope.
In a 2021 telephone interview Blakey confirmed [ to who? Morley?] he reviewed secret files on Mexico at CIA, but rejected the idea he had been fooled. Blakey to support the idea he had not been fooled goes on to say he had “unrestricted access to everything.” Except he didn’t. But, keep that date of 2021 and not been fooled in mind.
Now Morley doesn’t go into any detail about the three volume History of Mexico City Station. Instead he makes an unbelievable idiotic comment that RIF # 104-10414-10158 “was not released until 27 years after it was written, which gives you some idea of its sensitivity,” as though that was uniquely true of this and only this document. No, RIF # 104-10414-10158 and millions of pages of other JFK assassination related documents were being released thanks to the JFK Records Act created in response to Oliver Stone’s movie. There is nothing unique about when RIF # 104-10414-10158 was declassified. Why is he saying something so stupid? And by the way, the document, RIF #104-10414-10158 was first declassified ( with redactions ) in 1998 which would be 20 years after it was written. Here is the page with the redactions.
It took an additional 7 years to get those idiotic redactions removed.
RIF #104-10414-10124 is a 247 page document on the CIA station history. So, we do have some of the three volume history. The most recent edition of this document was released July 27, 2023. These are the pages Blakey looked at. I would draw your attention to the first three pages to see how Breckinridge controlled CIA information and thus controlled Blakey and the entire HSCA investigation. Everything had to go through Breckinridge. The HSCA only saw what Breckinridge allowed them to see.
In 2003, Blakey retracted his previous statements that the CIA had cooperated with the HSCA. “I am no longer confident that the Central Intelligence Agency cooperated with the committee,” he told PBS’ “Frontline” in 2003.
“Blakey recalled that in 1978 Breckinridge had brought in a new Agency official, George Joannides, to serve as liaison to the committee without disclosing that Joannides had served undercover as the chief of covert action operations in the Miami station in 1963, and he had run a Cuban student group (code named AMSPELL) that generated propaganda within a day of JFK’s killing claiming Oswald and Cuban leader Fidel Castro were “the presumed assassins.” It was the first JFK conspiracy theory to reach public print, and it was paid for by Joannides and the CIA.”
NO! The CIA covert operational group, code named AMSPELL was the DRE, The Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil. They put out a false story on the very day of the assassination. Not the day after. This is Oswald's 201 file, Volume 1, Folder 3, Page 25 of 118. John Newman showed this doc at A.S.K ‘94. My transcript of that.
Another copy of the same document, RIF #104-10015-10108 has no redactions.
John Newman said this about this document at the A.S.K 1994 JFK conference.
“What we are looking at here is actually a CIA cable that was sent from the JM/WAVE station, I believe that’s up here, right there you can see it to the headquarters, and it’s actually sent on 22 November 1963 about 2242 ZULU, subtract 5 hours and you’ll get Eastern Standard Time so were are talking about, oh, Air Force One is about an hour, an hour and a half from landing at Andrews Air Force base at this particular point. And what we have here is a message here that is talking to us about a Cuban emigre delegate who had a radio debate with Lee Oswald and Cuban emigre files about Oswald. And the amazing thing to me is this, paragraph two, it says, “Above information has not been passed to the Secret Service, the State Dept. or the FBI,” because this Cuban emigre organization wants to have their own press conference. It’s what it says, in English.
Now I underline here what’s happened. The president of the United States has been murdered. His alleged assassin is in the custody of the authorities and the CIA has information, has files on the alleged assassin and they are not passing them to the FBI, or the Secret Service so that our emigree organization can have a little propoganda coup. I think that’s outrageous, I don’t know what your views are about it, but I find it outrageous. “
Blakey seems to have forgotten all about Joannides and his reaction to learning who he really was when he said in 2021 he had never been fooled. The truth is he was hired to be a fool and was taken to be one by the CIA.
Morley did have a bombshell when he discovered the truth of Joannides past. I really hoped he had something that good again. Morley also struck gold when he found Andres Goyenechea who spoke of how his mother and brother were involved in taking and processing photos for the CIA in their surveillance of the Soviet embassy in Mexico City.
I fail to understand how and why Trump’s use of the JFK Assassination to lie and smear Ted Cruz’s father as being one of the people seen with Lee Harvey Oswald handing out pro-Castro leaflets in front of the International Trade Mart is conveniently forgotten but Trump’s obvious stupid lie that he’s seen and read some of the JFK assassination records is remembered. And that there was something in those records that convinced him not to release the records.
Umm, idiots, Trump doesn’t read. He doesn’t read anything. He cannot read. He is an illiterate jackass. How much evidence do you need on this point?
And for fuck sake do not quote to me anything the quisling Mark Zaid has to say about the JFK assassination or on any other topic.
“Doing Journalism”. Morley says he interviewed “three former members of the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB)”. Did you hold a seance? There were five members of the board, Dr. Anna Nelson, Dr. William Joyce, Dr. Kermit Hall. Dr. Henry Graff, and Judge John Tunheim. Tragically, Tunheim is the sole survivor. The rest are all dead. Morley interviewed ARRB staff members. The staff were very different from board members. The staff did the work. The board made the decisions.
So, Morley seems to have confirmed that at one time there was a scif for JFK assassination documents at a building near Dulles airport. This means absolutely nothing. BTW, you can use Google to find its address. US Central Intelligence Agency, 399 Grove St, Herndon, VA 20170. Red dot marks the spot.
Is this a bombshell? Nope.
So, what are we left with? A single source claiming there were, maybe still are, JFK assassination records in a scif at a CIA building in Herndon, VA. If we were reading any of them and they were indeed as claimed, then that would be a bombshell.
I would love for this to pan out and be something. But right now it’s not. Sorry.
The bombshell is that important files and possibly film/photographs that the CIA have said don’t exist, are now reported to exist. The source is someone that one of the leading JFK researchers considers to be credible. If that’s your definition of a dud then to each their own, but it’s incredibly interesting to me and everyone else I know interested in this case.